this isn't a group project, rapists with their victims, uninnocent kids of theirs who rape and torture and mock we are not i, whomever i say is Innocent stop trying to make yourselves at home scary rapists, no means no

you classify as rapists kids (by age) and work directly with torturers as their helpers and helped

your children are to be treated as dangerous terrorists, harm indicated, without anything "penitentiary" "juvenile hall" as they corrupt and rape most violently

with your level of intelligence and violent emotionality

Your leaders are pedophiles, violent (pedophiles)

body torturer bending

to protect themselves, these violent murderers are doing weird things worse than animals just like slobs

absolutely horrific to witness you rape gentleladies and gentleboys

it must make you feel high 

i don't deal with violent rebels who rape indiscriminately so disgusting that's not my forte

i'll have to say stop being so violent

leave Us Select Few Alone and Especially Helper and Helpers Elsewhere