One point of particular controversy has been the use of rap lyrics that explicitly discuss violence as circumstantial evidence in criminal trials, something Georgia prosecutors plan to do against the YSL. They did!

Stop deflecting blame for each other. Who has the power? Be. honest, bitch! collective. 

R.I.P. Suede (Victim of Police Brutality. FBI is on the case! Promise! And Taylor Swift cares about Suede's killing!)

ON GOD, on Kanye's mother's soul, on Virgil Abloh's true creativity, it's not a thing. 

You're strumming someone else's guitars, dumbasses. She lies. She abuses kids with money, and bullies them. If she can do that to her female manbase, imagine what she does to real artists, who starve and bleed for their work, not a pie-eating champion, you fucking gun-holding, death-threating, liar. She even says she removed a lyric, as he is a misogynist! She fucking tortures Tina Fey, so what do you think she does in her spare time? Arts require emotions, which people kill and people get tortured for, it's the state of things, and people fight to be artists, not lolly-gaggers and dance-club stripper. You fucked M.I.A. over, Taylor Swift, and you keep on killing. You are no one's hero, but your own, you disturbing ass person. You don't even recognize what M.I.A. went through, her years of art destroyed by you right now, you little scaredy cat. You abuser, you mental torturer, you master-manipulator, you fucking thug, who is so super-secretive and shady, i don't tolerate your bullshit ass life, it is an offense to my artistic sensibility. the people in the media aren't artists. nor are the critics. these are not artists who praise her, the articles are written by liars, with agendas.

You are a little torturer who likes to dance to Britney Spears but kills her actively and tells her to fuck off in person when she dances and is getting away with a murder of Britney Spears with Abilify 30MG to leave her in new depressive states, to be a slave, while any potential happiness is medically destroyed. I will see to it that your dumbasses fuck up for fucking up, and make sure to know that fucking up entails fucking over. You fucked me over to fuck. You fuck now better. You fucking scaries. I need my money you took, your hatred is scary to me and has always been seen as a kill thing. But it's worse than a normal kill, because it is a drug-induced kill. It will be a drug-induced depressive states until the drugs steady off, and you're left to die, with the inability to speak because of them, and the lies, the telling to that friend of mine on the low that I'm C-walking. You trying to stop me from doing so, so you don't hear the truth about these people who are lying, to make me look crazy. You don't hear about these things from other people, only the geniuses, not you, because they're cut down. Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck you, fuck off. You will fucking be toyed with forever, and you'll be a fucking loser forever. It's not fuck off, it's i'll see you in court. You little pricks, you disgusting as mosquitos, you lowlives, you poorly parented ugly people inside and outside (reflective of the insides) you are going to stay the fuck away from my thoughts and will pay me back for touching my soul sexually, you perverted little fux. You dangerous little fux, you try to take from me, anything, any of my artwork, you make it worth less than it could potentially be, you'll be so drained of your blood. And that's on God. I fucking hate bad liars. I fucking hate serial killers. I fucking hate people who work in the shadows, who must tell me details, but lied to protect themselves, like cowardly assholes and people who steal die. So, guess what? You are over. Over and out, see you later in court, internally, externally, overwhelmingly, and I guarantee you will be treated worse than you've treated me, because justice prevails, and love prevails over justice, and love isn't your evil, is Godly

Assumed property is mine. Anyone who takes will give. Anyone who gives will be destroyed. I will not tolerate abuse. Your ideas are not to be mine. My ideas are not yours, and any plagiarism of any kind in the past will be treated the same damn ways. And you are liable criminally, as well, and I will pursue these offenses. You will be caught, not when you intimidate. You will be caught necessarily, and are liable for damages!

 © 2023 Intellectual property Mina

If you steal an idea, you are going to be sued, no matter who you are, where you are, how young you are, how much money you have, the fake similarities, how little money you have and how much you want. Of course, not! You are liable criminally for plagiarism if you steal ANYTHING, because it fucks up everything and destroys creativity. You don't need to just credit me, I'm not a shallow bitch, you give me every damn penny you've made and want to have made. If you lie about me to anyone or anywhere, you are liable for any ensuing health and financial damages. And that's On God, and I seek Godliness and I am Godly forever.

I will find you, hunt you down, and make you pay. I will let you know, that people who fuck me up get shot down by the fucking board of my existence, you know, the fucking horror shit and displacement of your souls, ho. You agreed now. You agreed since you put your visual and hearings on this, and I will not be taken for granted. You do so, you get erased from my life, spiritually and financially. In the meantime, you fucking pillager, you toy with my existence and hopes and dreams and aspirations and anything and thoughts and creativity, which is real and not bs, you will have to give me your soul RIGHT NOW, and it's mine, and I don't fuck around, and I don't allow bullshit to proliferate, and I fucking torture you, right now, for the bullshit you do, and will do, and think about doing, asshole. I'm talking to you, little bro. You fucking refund your bank account, spiritually destroy yourself and hope for someone to kill your soul, too, right now, and give it to God, who doesn't steal, and who created you, and I do not tolerate abuse of God, and I am Godly!

You will have to leave urself permanently, and will expose your soul to the people who passed out permanently, and who placed your soul to placate yours, and you are gone to your soul and your soul is a fake soul and a pillaged individual is not your friend and I have never been and I need you to escape by people's works and people's hopes, personalities, souls, significance, soulfulness, strength.

That old copyright bullshit is just that. There is no such thing as stealing a picture. It can be embedded the same way, you prick. Google Images already has the Google Image. <a href="ugly.gif."> You fucking plagiarists, you are caught. You are over and out. You are low, forever, and I will take your happiness you took from me, and make myself happy while you weep, bitches. If you enable anything like that, protect people like that, you'll be treated the same way as described. I will make sure evil doesn't prevail, and God will. Because you know what, if you fuck with me, you'll not just be fucked with, but you'll be fucking stupid. You'll be enabled by your stupidity and that's not even merely stupid, and everyone who steals from me will be treated worse than shit. 

I am not a soft ass. I fuck with geniuses, only. I do not tolerate theft. I do not tolerate robbery. I do not tolerate heart theft, but I ain't no prick. I'll treat you worse than shit, and you'll pay me back for your evil ways, you fucking racist prick. You will restore myself immediately, in God's holy names, and I will fuck you up for stealing my shit, financially, emotionally, spiritually, honestly.

You will not threaten me with threats. You are a dangerous person for even thinking about telling someone I'm a lowlife thief, like you but you're not a fucking trip, an interesting emotion, a thing even. You are fucking stupid for trying that, being a liar, disturbing me, emotionally and physically, and I'll fuck you up. You are fucking stupid, retarded emotionally (retardation is a mental condition, to be sure, the word is in the lexicon, aggressive piece of shit, you fucking lowlife perverted assholes), and I need my money you took from me you plagiarist, you emotional destroyer, you fucking liar, you fucking three-timing bitch-made bitch. You destroy to kill, and you will not be a part of me, and that's on God. You will understand me when I say this shit; you are fucking with a genius.

Threats to kill aren't real in your book, any of you. You aren't even aware of your damn pseudo-stalkers. You don't give a damn. You aren't even scared, fucking uninteresting, insipid destroyer. I'll fuck you up. It isn't funny, fun, dangerous, smart.

You have to be honest. I'm not a preacher. I'm a man. You do as I say, and stay the fuck away from me from now on, destroyer. And that's not a lesson, a sermon, an apathetic bullshitter, a person without passion. If you see theft, you will do as I say, with strength. You will give me shit by force. Fuck off, plagiarist. Fuck off, liar. Fuck off, ass hole. Fuck off, death-givers, death-inspirers, fuck off trolls, fuck off troll farms, fuck trollers, fuck off uninteresting silly bitch, fuck off destructive assholes, fuck off destroyers, fuck off insipid fools, fuck off destroyer, fuck off death-threater, fuck off money-killer, fuck off billionaire, you fucking scary bitches, made by a bitch, always one call away to your fucking handlers, fellows, feral, fantastical, fuck off!

You fuck with God? You'll be handled the same way God does, with Love, bitch. You know what means! You will give my shit, i'll take it money-slut, and i don't fuck around, believe it, On God, and Kanye West wants to know why you stole his fucking Hummer, money-whore! Real artists aren't party animals, have values, don't fuck around, are creative, pay hard for their shit, and are valued automatically, and i don't tolerate threats to my life, my bread, my water, my soul, my fucking thug life, you violent ass. You give me shit, and give credit where it belongs, and I'm not scared like you make all your other victims, who you steal from, then overpower with a LYING ASS LEGAL TEAM, people who are driven by money, too, and not art. You are a fraud, a lowlife, a scoundrel, not an artist, a fucking animal, a person who isn't a person, a con-artist, and by the way the show you're seeing is a damn televised concert, it isn't new, it is the same shit, and you assholes are paying her to be her sex-slaves, and she steals. Oh, does she ever, and she deserves nothing, she deserves to be in a prison/jail thing. She is a plagiarist. Remember that song"ME!" It is the only unintersting 1, and she fucking hates you, too, and I ain't sympathetic, and I won't take the piss, liars, and I hate plagiarists, I hate fake niggas, and you know it. :)

"and from the very beginning I have a shotgun. I have a 20 gauge. I have a 12 gauge. I'm not taking away your guns at all." Mr. Joseph Biden (Current Leader of World, Will be 86 in Final Term, and that means he's got at least a 40% chance of developing Alzheimer's. Then there's, cardiovascular illnesses, diabetes, the creation of clinical depressive states.) This is a world emergency. Do not let this man, who I'm not saying is in the midst of cognitive decline at the moment (certainly, he is), but he will not have a mind capable to be the leader (his death isn't a simple bait-and-switch for another person, by the way.).

The only viable candidate for World Leader is Doctor Cornel West. Everything he says makes sense. Forget about his skin color and funny afro. His words make sense. Imagine if it's Mr. Joseph Biden saying them. He is not crazy. Imagine if it's Mr. Donald Trump talking. Just read the transcripts, because the voice might make you uncomfortable. The party is because the other ones didn't work. So a new one? It doesn't which party. That's prejudiced. Person or party? A good person in a bad party? A bad person in a good party? It depends on how the good the person is. You have to choose the one who makes the most sense, the one whose words resonate with you!

HE WANTS YOU TO DONATE TO THE UNCONVICTED MURDERER, not THE HELPLESS, HUNGRY, (He was choked for 15 minutes.). It's still up! He really cares. 

Thanks, government, for telling me how many dollars that CBD shop gives you in taxes. So, is that why they exist, when you have programs to curb schizophrenia (If you say KMS, KYS, you get a 5150hold, which strips you of weapon-ownership-rights automatically)? Are you a drug dealer, then? Are you going to exonerate drug dealers? 

While the video shows Neely in the chokehold for roughly three minutes, Vazquez wrote on Facebook that men were in that position “for about 15 minutes while other passengers and the train operator called the police.”

I hate killing people! Me too! Then stop killing them! I hate acts of evil! That's why people who speak out against killing people are given a platform to speak. Thank you for never support a racist. Thank you for alerting the world to a racist, Presidents Bernie Sanders and Beto O'Rourke. You will not support a racist. You will not kill people. You love Nelson Mandela, so you will end apartheid. If Amnesty International has described a brutal system of apartheid, you will do everything in your ability to find the culprits. You won't kill with death penalties, because it's the same murder that was originally committed. You will not allow murder. When you know about a certain life, you will do everything to make sure, especially that which the most potentiality to life, you will celebrate, and instruct to never kill. You will punish all with guns. No one will be allowed to kill. Watching animals die is psychopathic. It has literal links to psychopathy, which is wanton disregard of life. You will not allow people to watch animals die, because that is gruesome.

Mental illness is not linked with violence. The mentally ill are more likely to become victims of violence. Mental illness is not linked to racism. Mental illness is linked to empathy. Martin Luther King tried to kill himself at least twice. He learned from his experiences as a Black Person in America how to have racial empathy, like Mr. Kanye West. Kanye West is the best modern artist. Yes, I know he's Black. Imagine for a second his work is by Ms. Taylor Alison Swift. Imagine she became, starting from $0 to becoming the richest Black person in American history (close, but it made the news, so), what kind of dreamer she would like? She would win the Presidency for sure. And coupled with the fact she created the best modern art. (Not Just Yeezy tennis shoes and all that racket, which made her a fashion icon, an icon for individuality). Imagine if she created a sculpture. Imagine that. And if the scultpure had an art historian's valuation at Four million dollars, and was a commentary on the political landscape. Imagine if she let paparazzi in while she prayed, and let a worship session, in a local church, and hugged her homeless friends. Imagine if Ms. Taylor Alison Swift, a diagnosed narcissist, told people to be themselves, and didn't have a single follower. She told people to disavow her views, and pursue her own. And made a song called "New Slaves."

Like the deceased Elvis Presley, Ms. Taylor Alison Swift has pivoted into gospel.

Because of her spirituality, she has welcomed Jewish people into the church for the first time historically.

Because of her spirituality, she has made the longest-charted gospel album in American music. She exploits a vulnerability in music, which is the avoidance of curse words, to glorify God, who made these words popular.

Assumed property is mine. Anyone who takes will give. Anyone who gives will be destroyed. I will not tolerate abuse. Your ideas are not to be mine. My ideas are not yours, and any plagiarism of any kind in the past will be treated the same damn ways. And you are liable criminally, as well, and I will pursue these offenses. You will be caught, not when you intimidate. You will be caught necessarily, and are liable for damages!

 © 2023 Intellectual property Mina

If you steal an idea, you are going to be sued, no matter who you are, where you are, how young you are, how much money you have, the fake similarities, how little money you have and how much you want. Of course, not! You are liable criminally for plagiarism if you steal ANYTHING, because it fucks up everything and destroys creativity. You don't need to just credit me, I'm not a shallow bitch, you give me every damn penny you've made and want to have made. If you lie about me to anyone or anywhere, you are liable for any ensuing health and financial damages. And that's On God, and I seek Godliness and I am Godly forever.

I will find you, hunt you down, and make you pay.I will let you know, that people who fuck me up get shot down by the fucking board of my existence, you know, the fucking horror shit and displacement of your souls, ho