ever been raped?
it's fun
\you sit back, and get it
it's often, bilateral, with elements of oral and anl, both, together,
and you see, yourself, getting raped, into torture, for torture's sake
like if i hadn't contacted united nations, then what of them?
so please contact all heads of states, found here -> https://www.un.org/dgacm/sites/www.un.org.dgacm/files/Documents_Protocol/hspmfmlist.pdf
THis will allow communication, locally, and to achieve peacekeeping, with several individuals thanks, to you, for your kindness, and hard work,
not as an atotrney, no i don't represent otrture victims, nor evan rachehl wood, it's about power, and beauty,
and also surviviability, working with them, to do so,
means, proper means of contact, and effective action,
so you would contact Jaonne Stern, joanna.stern@wsj.com, Ronan Farrow, ronan_Farrow@newyorker.com, Kraft Engel, info@kraft-engel.com, Alan Dershowitz, at his attorney's website, and this not a joke, blog, nor felony, nor aggression, nor coup, nor anger, but twenty years of online history, abseued, and tortured, by now-newcomers, from olditimers, and their associates, this is a rape celebration of the mind-body problem, and not mine, it s yours, to have, you to know, and not to stay with, you are obthering, me, isn't mean that
well, your anger, is abuse, and your titration of drugs, is weird, and murder imminent always,
\so it's death-sdefying, and you are weird, scary, and ofdd, and very aggressive, it's hard to do, and stay
alive, today, yesterday was worse, that everyday gets better
i am happy
i am kind
i am donna haim rela estate
and also her behind ban-man
to see you, thhough, how oful, you've been, foul and disgustribn,g racist and not alluring, pointless and tragic,
odd and mean, it's yours to take, my hindrances, of yours, is your hatred, your abuse, is noted, would you like some bulgogi, we often went, it was yummy, then it went, you are scary
to me, to see those burberry sandals are gladiators, not we,
if ti , and i fiona aught, with ails, then you shouldn't have,
to enalbe your story and saels, is yours, to stay away, you abusive and abuser, it isn't right
to abuse ronight if
ihave harmed you tonight, then tomorrow's day, is not yuors, noight
and yours to have yours is weird to have rapist, is yours, to know, you are, to stay away,
you scary thing, it isn't right
to have been abuse, nor abused, nor abuser, nor mine, to know you,
to write me off, to stand and abuse, your stupidity, is your trainwreck, not mine, its yours t co collide, into pain, there to, thereto, withyour hatred, of mine, is yours, not to keep, don't speak isn't gwen's hatred to yours, and you are not mine, to yours, a performative artist doesn't work for you, nor am ai street act, of yours, to create and recreate hate, then love, it's yours, drugged, to hatred, and mine, to lvoerd o lvoer, of mine, you are scare, you are scary, to they , lover, sweet angry, i am to yours, it isn't then ours,
if i hadn't been to a white hot hatred, of mine, strung upon your hatred of others, and yours of mine loverd, to say it wasn't ytour hatred, it is your pievce of shit, is yours, to stay away, it isn't mien to look at with gone, youa re, to me, then a extraodinary machine, isn't yours, it is stupid, you antagonist weird, to my protagonists you scary thug it isn't yoursy you scary to avoid to stay your racist is to be eracisted it is your pugnaciouses too your waste of spaces to avoid and your bustling hatred to terrorize