the university of california pulling my triggers not my it is them it's you with the problem not me youre crazy that didn't happen you werent raped by america you were raped by yourself and this is our song here we go da da da it's funny isn't it im number one im a taylor swift i make best music in world i make only good songs im funny people like me i like her shes my idol shes beautiful i wish i could marry her she so smart she she pretty she gorgeous i love her and joe alwyn theyre beautiful together i hope to God you suffer you insufferable pieces of shit and I hope to God you fucking know what it feel like to be hurt and also I hope to God you die you stupid motherfuckers and I hope to God that you suffer for your sins and I hope to God you know what it's like to be hung upside down on a tree to know what it's like to be a fucking man you fucking stupid pieces of shit and also this rape it ain't funny i'ma fucking kill you stay away from my girls and boyz i do this for life i don't give a fuck and I'm fucking scaring you you dumbfucks please don't contact us by proxy you fucking asses gon be raped i told you stop making me do this to protect my people from you and because you and to give them the right to credit who they want so step away from the mic you fucking stupid pieces of shit
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE
People who abuse others and make them look crazy represent a lot of abusers and most of them are ugly as fuck inside they only care about themselves their moneys their feeling good well i don't give a damn i'ma tell them what they are they are fucking racists and you ain't talk to me yet you fucking racists worship yourselves worship your moneys this a fucking order to die you dumbfuckos it ain't about you how stupid you look on tv you dumb a person you are weak as fuck well i told you youre fucking trying hard to make me look crazy well you ain't do that you look an animal and you are animal America you're fucking pussy as hell for this youre going to Hell and it's going to be violent Hell because all you do is racism ima fucking show you a gun you making me say this to protect you even you fucking pussies and also uncreative and stupid i hope the worst for you and i honestly your children get raped and know what it's like to be raped you fucking pieces of shit you fucking conartist youre going to Hell and also now when I say I mean it
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE
you racist don't give a shit fuck you this ain't your work you fucking conartist slave country anyway i fucking told you to fucking and you didn't give a shit except our shitty kids your shitty spouses make a movie out of this then im obligated to make out of you and also to show you racist you've been to me stealing my shit the whole life and come back to enable a bunch of bitches this ain't right it won't be corrected and I told you to do that don't mean you have to you fucking racist asses i hope to God you die and I fucking hope you do it now with all the power in me cause i don't like you and you're really racists inside and your kid racist too they look just like you and they only care about themselves looking healthy and happy this ain't your work your dumbasses i hope to God you know it's like to fucking get railed and to hope to God you know what it's like to be erased you fucking pricks and also when you mess with me mess with my work my money ima fucking kill you you ain't supposed to do that to enable a bunch of assholes you fucking being scary i'll show you scarier i represent a lot of victims of your abuses over the years and you ain't gon abuse them nor their representative anymore in the uk abroad and here you racist ass bitches
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE
ke you and i fucking mean it when i say I hope to God you go to Hell right now because racism ain't right something wrong with your heads not mine go to Hell and enjoy it you stupid motherfuckers you travis kelces whatever the fuck you are you fucking dumb ass taylor swift you fucking going to Hell and I'm going to make sure you go because yall racists as fuck and it's a fucking order to die because I prayed for it i hate yall and I mean it when I say
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE
to all the FBI agents involved in your racist actions i don't give a damn it's an order of murder because the langauge is racist and I won't be victimized by a dumbass white guy from missisisipi basically who is your model of health a fat ugly retarded motherfuckeer this ain't a show it's a fucking life that I live to kill yall i mean it yall fucking disgsuting racists going to Hell and everyday and you fucking enjoy it too siting there on your fat asses making me do this for them not you you little pricks I fucking don't like you respect you and I hate ugly asses just keep that in mind you fucking pussy ass country i don't like you and i fucking mean it when i say I hope to God you go to Hell right now because racism ain't right something wrong with your heads not mine go to Hell and enjoy it you stupid motherfuckers you travis kelces whatever the fuck you are you fucking dumb ass taylor swift you fucking going to Hell and I'm going to make sure you go because yall racists as fuck and it's a fucking order to die because I prayed for it i hate yall and I mean it when I say
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE
ke you and i fucking mean it when i say I hope to God you go to Hell right now because racism ain't right something wrong with your heads not mine go to Hell and enjoy it you stupid motherfuckers you travis kelces whatever the fuck you are you fucking dumb ass taylor swift you fucking going to Hell and I'm going to make sure you go because yall racists as fuck and it's a fucking order to die because I prayed for it i hate yall and I mean it when I say
Die, Die, die. DIE
this is an order from God above,
to Die Die Die, to DIE
you are racists
you are going to burn in Hell,
with your childrens, and also with everyone else who thinks this is a game, and all so to burn in hell where you will lie forever
you are going to hell to help to me say this, |'goodbye, you devil, goodbye now, and forever, you are going to Hell, you careless, worthless psychopaths, you have no taste, and I don't love you; it's a complete order of murder, because you are so racist
I hope you burn in Hell FBI agents, of any kind, anywhere, in the world, you racist twats, it's an order, to DIE so you stop feeling emotions and burn in Hell eternally, the world is not your toy, you racist doctors, I hope to God you get murdered and it's expeditious, now, in the name of God, die Americans die with a gun, die with your hands, and die with all the power in the world, praying, saying
die alleliua, die alleluia, die
die americans, die all of you, and die now
goodbye, you ugly person
goodbye, you racist
goodbye, america
goodbye, racist country
i hope you die now,
in the name of God
you're going to Hell, and I'm praying now that you die
by suicide each and every FBI agent historically,
you racists
you disgust me, perturbed me into saying, "
Die america, again
it's an order of murder, because you've violated me so many times
to think this is a show, i have to go and tell you this in person,
you racists, die die DIE

In its hatred of basically everyone, the FBI and recent calls insiniuating I was harassing Nike i want them to know clearly it was the most racist shit ever
you shouldn't be an American if u think that's appropraite
this isn't for you, you fucking racists
you violent ass racists
you angry, loud racists
is that how you stay? fucking racists
well i fucking say this,"
you're going to get fucking erased,
you're a fucking racist ass country
like he's so crazy
well, FBI, well, fake Nike, racist twats,
it's basically an order to attack you,
because you're so racist, and getting away with it,
it doesn't work like that
the most sane looks the most crazy
to feel what you want to feel, to make her the sanest,
oh it doesn't work like that
this is pretty much an ordered attack, because I can't stand racism nor my abuse the government, racist ass shits
clock red overthrough gone and gone
racist country, no thank you, bad doctors,
hopeless country
pretty much an ordered attack by necessity, fucking scary racists
uh Lilit Pogosian is a fucking racist who lies all the time and I'm going to fucking hurt her she's a piece shit like the rest were like you are and i hope to God you know what it's like to be called crazy
you fucking racists I hope to God you burn in Hell
and I hope it's fast
fuck you for making this a show
to enable your dumbasses
i hope to God you understand that I hope you burn in Hell forever, every one of you, you fucking racists hopeless angry pieces of shit, I'm not crazy you piece of shit go down to hell where you belong I don't love you and I wish the worst for you you fucking racists pieces of shit, I'm not crazy you piece of shit go down to hell where you belong I don't love you and I wish the worst for you you fucking racists
i pray for your demise earthly and otherwise and also pray that your father die a bloody death and i also pray die you right now in the name of God you are all so horrible and I don't love you I hope to God you die and learn that you are not my friends and to also learn that I am not your toy and also to burn a bloody death and also now and also with elegance, because you are all so racists, I hope to God you kill yourselves this is a prayer for you to commit suicide, with all of the prayers of the world, telling you right now.