there will be no benefit to be had, only for me, no cia torture victim released, without my permission, and so on.same with taylor. she is fine. and the only safe one, and I am trying to get to alana haim, to lead her to safety. the president will need help, that I cannot fund, because of you. choice is theirs, as always, whom to abhor. high-value detainees are the first, then last, in my understanding; inaction is not action, then, action is not made, without force. see to safety, is not my prescription, i do not work for terrorists, and don't fund terrorism. to force transport, medically, by payment of yours, still, and with bank supervision currently


The Link between the American Psychological Association and Torture of U.S. Detainees

Prescription Privileges for Psychologists Tied to Campaign

In October 2014, the publication of “Pay Any Price: Greed, Power and Endless War,” by New York Times reporter James Risen raised questions about the link between the psychological profession and the use of torture, or “enhanced interrogation,” on detainees in U.S. custody.

In response, the American Psychological Association (apa) announced in November 2014 that it had commissioned an independent review by Chicago attorney David Hoffman to determine whether it had colluded with or supported the government’s use of torture in the interrogation of prisoners.  (Risen, NYT, 11-13-2014)

The New York Times published a story on April 30, 2015, on a report by human rights activists that states that the apa “collaborated” with the Bush Administration to bolster the legal and ethical justification for torture. A spokeswoman with the apa denied that the organization coordinated its efforts with the government.

On July 10, the 542-page Hoffman report was released and its findings were extensively discussed in The New York Times.

Some key findings regarding the apa-commissioned report:

For reference, the U.S. Senate report on the use of “enhanced interrogation” includes the following methods: sleep deprivation,  slapping, slamming detainees against the wall, nudity, standing in stress positions for long periods of time, waterboarding, rectal feeding without a medical reason and verbal threats. has all those informations

this relates to my presidential assination, these are wanted terrorists, using extreme abuse tactics

all hospitals and pharmacies are terrorists, confirmed, and the drug past is known present danger noted, with terrorist acts

this is a unique terrorist event that you abroad.

you are yet, and are. it is yet. it is are. it is your decision. it is you're. it is that you're not. it is that you have done. you have yet. it it yet. you had yet discussed, that you had, it was your doing, at tii, it is your doing, that you had yet do, it is that you had, yet only yet. had. it is yet that you had yet had not, and you had not yet to and effect your choice, that you had brought a child to your torture chamber is your torture and yet told yet to it is, that you are that terrorist and your enjoyer of, and yet told it is your to know that you are, a child to not know, with your stupidity noted and your malice and it is, abuser

cyberterrorism has reach extreme proportions, and you are the doers


medical terrorism is the noted field you are in.

lilit pogosian md is a major terrorist in the israeli war, as well as ii (terorism ,noted at that office, and with your officemates, everywhere) it is a major insinuation of psychosis, you are going to stop now, they will be arrested, all noted terrorists.

they are drugging, lying, doing anything. this is the wrost terror offense in world history ,gone on for 20 years, it has involvement in most parties in america, you are to be arrested immedatley and transport has been provided by military authorization

you were lying and openly, you are a medical terorirst and benefitter and benefactor of

this iis extreme act of medical terorrism, and with open transport of drugs, presenting an immediate to threat to middle-eastern peace you are the worst terrorists currently forward information if fugitive is located

this medical terrorism has a property of financial terrorism, and all properties, will be seized, and your dealer of terrorist act and plot, noticed

this is an active terrorist plot and you had your discretion, and you failed. this is the wrost terrorist attack in world history, taking your president and making him me, necessarily, is not rape, but otrture of me, for your terrorist. it is not how it works, you have admitted to every form of terrorism and you are not a victim, nor is your child a monster, only to angelize, it is not your dong, but your commiment to terrorism and activity

you have your terrorism noted at interpol and all your associates too

you are not allowed to leave the country your health czar is not missing, is a terrorist active, and is a fugitive, has a history of racial abuse and torture, will be known as the worst torturer currently, all governemnetal health organizers and organizations, have that same property; they will not be allowed to discuss matters, and have that property of terorrism, and are using despeasret links, to salvage, it's a known terrorist act; and it is claimed the lives instantly of others, i'm 20 years down this trap road yet it is your doing of racism that has injured youo you will have to surrender and be found, by any means, you are a terrorist, of medicine, the worst kind, represented by various groups, whom have yet to discuss anything with me, their leader, it is so racist and terroristic, you are to be transported to medica, you are not sane, it is more than obvious, you are medically ill, giving us authority to take you by medical restraint and if necessary my restraint. you are not to contact any medical officail for information it ihas extended to terrorism against all sitting leaders except that your leader is not, and I have saved him, you want to credit yourself, it is over, you are over, do not contact, authority has that decision of mine, written, with my inscription, and please forward all documents, that are presently available, regarding your tortures, yet not that way, it is our decision to collaborate

torture seettlemtnets are fake, by apa, leading to same conclusion of masked wirting and cyberterrorism, working abroad to falsify links, and codify terrorism by another, it is fake, and you have to be wary, those drugs are poisoned, it is an active act of political poisonoing by proxy as well, and using that roadmap for treatment of more torture suspects, using me as a shield it is an active hostage situation, by american doctors, in that respect, as well, with every partner at gitmo, working still, to torture, and using falsified means of terrorism, so garish

torture seettlemtnets are fake, by apa, leading to same conclusion of masked wirting and cyberterrorism, working abroad to falsify links, and codify terrorism by another, it is fake, and you have to be wary, those drugs are poisoned, it is an active act of political poisonoing by proxy as well, and using that roadmap for treatment of more torture suspects, using me as a shield it is an active hostage situation, by american doctors, in that respect, as well, with every partner at gitmo, working still, to torture, and using falsified means of terrorism, so garish

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